Sunday, 7 September 2014

Class: VIII
Subject: Science (Sample Paper)

I. Choose the correct option. (1x4=4)
1. Identify the force involved in an apple falling from the tree?
a) Magnetic force
b) Gravitational force
c) Electrostatic force
d) Contact force.
2. Opening a door is an example of ___________.
a) Spring force.
a) Magnetic force.
b) Contact force.
c) Non contact force.
3. Barometer was first introduced by _________.
a) James Watt.
b) Thomas Alva Edison.
c) Evangelista Torricelli
d) John Baird.
II. Give one word answers for the following. (
1. Name the device used for reducing the friction of shafts in the electric motors?
2. Which force opposes motion?
3. Which friction force is exerted by the fluids?
4. Identify the agent exerting the force in squeezing lemon?
III. Give reason for the following.
1. Why do sports shoes have spikes?
2. Why is the static friction less than the sliding friction?
IV. Answer the following questions.
1. Define friction? What is the SI unit of friction?
V. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain, what a force can do when applied on an object?
2. Give difference between balanced and unbalanced force?
VI. Answer the following questions.
1. Define force? List different types of forces?
2. Explain with examples that friction is a foe?
VII. Choose the correct option. (
1. Identify the metals with the highest reactivity?
a) Zinc
b) Iron
c) Copper
d) Potassium
2. Which gas is used in fire extinguisher?
a) Oxygen.
b) Nitrogen.
c) Carbon dioxide.
d) Liquefied petroleum gas.
VIII. Give one word answers for the following.
1. Name the non metal which is a good conductor of electricity?
2. Name the less polluting fuel used for vehicles?
IX. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain the process involved in the formation of petroleum?
2. Give the names of inflammable substances?
3. What are the different techniques used in extinguishing fire?
X. Answer the following questions.
1. Give the advantages of using CNG and LPG fuels?
2. What is combustion? Mention the different types of combustion?
XI. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain the process involved in the formation of coal from dead vegetation?
2. List the uses of kerosene and petrol?
3. What is coke? Describe the characteristics of coke with their uses?
XII. Choose the correct option.
1. Which of the following is not a Rabi crop?
a) Barley.
b) Gram.
c) Rice.
d) Wheat.
2. Which of the following is non-communicable disease?
a) Malaria.
b) Tuberculosis.
c) Cholera.
d) None of the above.
3. Which of the following is an antibiotic?
a) Crocin.
b) Alcohol.
c) Yeast.
d) Penicillin.
4. Identify the cell which has an irregular shape?
a) Red blood cell (RBC).
b) Amoeba.
c) Plant cell.
d) None of the above
XIII. Give one word answers for the following.
1. Which leaves are used by farmers to protect their crops from the weeds?
2. Name the process that converts sugar into alcohol?
3. Name the part of the cell that contains organelles?
4. Name the microorganism which causes disease and infections in animals, plants and also in humans?
XIV. Give reason for the following.
1 Why is the mitochondria called as a power house of a cell?
2, Why are the protected forests not safe for wild animals?
XV. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain the following term with examples?
i. Rabi crops.
ii. Kharif crops.
iii. Sowing
2. What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation that conserve water?
3. Define cell and state the difference between plant cell and animal cell with neat and labeled diagram?

4. What are antibiotics? What are the precautions to be taken while taking antibiotics? 

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