Chapter 8: Body Movements
1) Fill in the blanks:
Joints of the bones help in the _______________ of the body.
(b) A
combination of bones and cartilages forms the _____________of the body.
(c) The
bones at the elbow are joined by a ______________.
(d) The
contraction of the ______________ pulls the bones during.
2) Indicate ‘true’ and false’ among the following sentences:
movement and locomotion of all animals are the same.
cartilages are harder than bones.
finger bones do not have joints.
forearm has two bones.
have an outer skeleton
3) Match the items in column I with one or more items of column
Column II
(a) have fins on the body
(b) has an outer skeleton
(c) can fly in the air
(d) is an immovable joint
(e) protect the heart
4) Answer the following questions:
(a)What is a ball and socket joint?
(b)Which of the skull bones are movable?
(c)Why can’t our elbow not move backward?
rounded end of the one bone fits into the hollow space of other bone. This is
calleda ball and socket joint. Ball and socket joints allow movements in all
the directions, e.g. shoulder and hip can be moved in all directions.
the skull, only the lower jaw is movable.
elbow cannot move backward because the elbow has a hinge joint that allows
movement in only one direction.
1) Give two examples of ball and socket joint
2) Give an example of a pivotal j
3) Give two examples of hinge joints
4) Give an example of a fixed joint.
5) Give an example of a gliding joint.
6) What is a skeleton
7) Name the three components of theskeleton.
Answer: Skeleton is made up
of many bones, joints and cartilage.
8) Name the parts of the body, which help in movement.
9) Name two animals, which move without bones
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