Tuesday 16 September 2014

Name the following
1. Inexhaustible natural resources.
2. Exhaustible natural resources [ Any three]
3. Remains of dead animals and plants
4. Oldest variety of coal
5. Fossil fuels
6. A foul smelling liquid mined from earth.
7. A combustibe gas which comes out along with petroleum from the oil wells.
8. A combustible gas obtained by the destructive distillation of coal.
9. A fuel for heavy vehicles.
10. The useful products obtained from the petroleum
11. Different varieties of coal.
12. Residue left after the destructive distillation of coal tar.
13. The process in which complex organic substances are heated in the absence of air to get
simple volatile fractions.
14. Chemical used as moth repellent.
15. The process which is used for the manufacture of petrol from petroleum gas.
16. Alternative sources of energy (any three) Association which offers the tips to conserve
petrol & diesel.

Multiple Choice questions
1. The variety of coal which has highest content of carbon
(i) Peat
(ii) Bituminous
(iii) Anthracite
(iv) Liquate
2. Fraction of petroleum which is used as aviation fuel.
(i) Asphalt
(ii) Kerosene oil
(iii) Diesel oil
(iv) Petrol
3. LPG is the mixture of
(i) Methane and Hydrogen
(ii) Ethane & Carbon monoxide
(iii) Ethane and propane
(iv) Butane, propane & ethane
4. Chemical which is used for making explosion
(i) Toluene
(ii) Phenol
(iii) Naphthalene
(iv) None of the above
5. A gas which always collects above the petroleum in an oil well.
(i) Petroleum gas
(ii) Methane gas
(iii) Natural gas

(iv) Carbon dioxide
Acids, Bases and Salts
Q.1 Fill in the blanks.
i) An acid tastes s_________
ii) A base tastes b__ tt______
iii) LItmus, a natural indicator is extracted from Li_________
iv) An indicator used in a neutralization reaction is phe___ph_____lein.
v) Sugar is a n....u............l substance.

Q.2 Match the following.
Column I         Column II
a) An antacid           i) Formic acid
b) An Ant                 ii) Milk of magnesia
c) China Rose          iii) Turns red litmus blue.
d) An acid                iv) A natural indicator
e) A base                  v) Turns blue litmus red

Q.3 Bring a soil sample of your area, find out whether it is acidic, basic or neutral with
the help of red or blue litmus solution /paper. Write this observation .

Q.4 According to their nature give proper place to each substance given below.
Curd, Common Salt, Vinegar, Soap, Sugar, Lime water, Lemon Juice, Window
1. Acidic Nature
2. Basic Nature
3. Neutral Substances

Q.5 Complete the following table
. Name of Substance.

Litmus used

Colour change


No change
Lime water

Lemon Juice

 Window Cleaner





Baking soda Blue

I. Write answer for the following as directly :
1. What is LED ?
2. Name a gas which burns with a pop sound.
3. Which electrode is connected to the negative terminal of a cell ?
4. Name the ions which are positively charged.
5. Name a device which is used for the electrolysis of water
II Answer the following in 2 or 3 lines :
1. Define the following :
a) Electrolyte b) Cathode c) Anode d) Jons
2. What is electroplating ?
3. Draw a neat diagram of electrolytic cell and label it
4. Identify the following as electrolytes and non electrolytes :
a) dil HNo3 b) Benzene c) Petrol d) Zinc Chloride solution e) a solution of NaOH g) Ether h) Alcohol i) Common salt solution
5. State three uses of electrolysis.
III Define the following in detail :
1. Describe an experiment to show chemical effect of electric current.
2. Describe an experiment for the electroplating of an iron object with copper.

Physical And Chemical Changes(CLASS VII)
Q.1 Fill in the blanks :
1. Photosynthesis is a _______________ change.
2. The micro-organisms which convert the dead plants and animals to humus are known as ______________.
3. The freezing point is ____0C at which water freezes.
4. Lactobacillus bacterium helps in the formation of ______________.
5. Galvanization is the process of coating iron objects with the layer of ________ metal.
Q.2 Correct the following sentences by replacing the highlighted words :
1. Change in the physical properties of a substance is termed as chemical change.
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
2. Boiling is the process in which water turns to ice when cold enough (below 00temperature.)
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
3. Formation of new substances by change in one or more substances is called physical change.
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
4. The process of deposition of brownish layer on iron when it is exposed to air and water is called polishing.
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
5. Melting is the process of formation of solid crystals from solution.
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
1. Melting of ice is a
a. Chemical change b. Physical change c. Periodic change d. Both physical and chemical change
2. Which of these is the smallest particle?
a. An atom b. A molecule c. A speck of dust d. A water drop
3. Formation of a compound is
a. Physical change b. Temporary change c. Chemical change d. Reversible change
4. Sea water is a
a. Element b. Compound c. Mixture d. Molecule
7. Match the following
Column A                                     Column B
a. Burning of candle                    i. Mixture
b. Tearing of paper                          ii. Compound
c. Burning petrol                                iii. Physical change
d. Water                                            iv. Chemical change
e. Air                                                 v. Both physical and chemical change
 8 Fill in the blanks
a. Burning of magnesium is a ------------------ change.
b. The changes that occur in chemical reactions are ------------.
c. Matter is classified as element, compound and ---------------.
d. Chemical name of NaCO3 is -------------------.
e. In chemical reaction reactants changes into ----------------.
9. Cooking of food is a chemical change . Why?.
10 Why water is a compound but air is a mixture?
11. What is crystallization? Give it uses in daily life.
12. Classify as physical and chemical changes
a. Melting of ice
b. Formation of water
c. Tearing of paper
d. Ripening of fruit
e. Formation of curd from milk

f. Stitching of cloth

Thursday 11 September 2014

Class – VI Science (Motion and Measurement of Distances)
1. The movement of earth around the sun is an example of
a. Circular motion
b. Periodic motion
c. Oscillatory motion
d. Translatory motion
2. The standard unit of length in SI system is
a. Yard
b. Foot
c. Metre
d. Centimeter
3. What device should a tailor use to measure the length of cloth?
a. Measuring rod
b. Measuring tape
c. Scale
d. String
4. One cm is equal to
a. 10 mm
b. 1 km
c. 1000 m
d. 1 m
5. Match the following columns
Column A Column B
a. Length of a rod                                      i. Vernier calipers
b. Metre                                                     ii. Length
c. Small thickness                                     iii. Unit of length
d. Area of surface is measured in           iv. Square metre
e. Distance between two points              v. metre
6. Fill in the blanks.
a. The standard unit of length is ----------------.
b. The motion described by a simple pendulum is --------------- motion.
c. Length more than one thousand meters are measured in --------
d. Motion of a car on straight road is -------------- motion.
7. Define periodic motion? Give one example.
8. What is the S. I. unit of length and what is its symbol?
9. What is different between periodic and non-periodic motion. Give example.
10.  Mention the type of motion taking place in :
1. The horse pulling a cart
2. Earth moving around the sun in its orbit
3. A child playing with a top
4. A coin moving over a carom board
5. A ball fixed to string
6. Motion of a branch of a tree when it shaken heavily.
7.Fill in the blanks
1.One meter is --------------cm  2.one centimeter is -----------------mm 
3. Four km is ---------m

Answer the following questions:-
1. Name some common non-metals used in our daily life.
2. Hardest naturally occurring substance.
3. Property of metals which make them useful as electric wires.
4. Non – metal which has metallic luster.
5. Two non metals which are soft solids.
6. Non metals do not conduct electricity or heat except for one . Name it.
7. Metals that are not attacked by cold water, boiling water or stream.
8. The property of metals by virtue of which these can beaten into sheets.
9.Non metal used in disinfection of drinking water.
II. Answer the following( in one or two words)
1. What are the elements called which can neither fit with metals nor non metals?
2. Which of the following metals is the best conductor of heat and electricity? Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminum
3. Which property of metals makes them useful as ringing bells?
4. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing reactivity. Sodium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Aluminum
5. Which non-metal is used in making pencil lead?
6 Identify the most reactive and least reactive metal amongst the following Aluminum, Potassium, Copper, zinc, Gold
7 State the nature of oxides of non-metals.
8 Give an example of neutral oxide .
9.Which non metal is kept under water and why?

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Chemical Effect of electric Current
1) Give some examples of good conductors and poor conductor liquids -
Good Conductor liquids                            Poor conductor liquids
.................................................... ....................................................
.................................................... ....................................................
.................................................... ....................................................
.................................................... ....................................................
2) Fill in the blanks :-
i) Distilled water is _________________ of electricity.
ii) Bulb gets heated and glows due to _____________ effect of electric current
iii) The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by
means of electricity is called ______________.
iv) Most liquids that conduct electricity are ________, ________ and _________.
3. Give three examples of electroplating.
i) ....................................
ii) ....................................
iii) ....................................

Q1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Microorganisms can be seen with the help of a________.
(b) Blue green algae fix _______ directly from air to enhance fertility of soil.
(c) Alcohol is produced with the help of ________.
(d) Cholera is caused by __________.
Q2: Why are children vaccinated?
Q3 Define Immunity.
Q4: List the type of bacteria recognized based on shape.
Q5: Name the most common vector of communicable diseases.
Q6: Define the term fermentation.
Q7: Name diseases caused by protozoa?
Q8: Name the diseases caused by a virus.
Q9: Give examples of algae
Q10: Give names of fungi.
Q11: Name any two protozoa.
Q12: Name the organism and its type which converts milk into curd.
Q13: Which microbe is used in production of alcohol.
Q14: Give an example of an antibiotic.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Class: VIII
Subject: Science (Sample Paper)

I. Choose the correct option. (1x4=4)
1. Identify the force involved in an apple falling from the tree?
a) Magnetic force
b) Gravitational force
c) Electrostatic force
d) Contact force.
2. Opening a door is an example of ___________.
a) Spring force.
a) Magnetic force.
b) Contact force.
c) Non contact force.
3. Barometer was first introduced by _________.
a) James Watt.
b) Thomas Alva Edison.
c) Evangelista Torricelli
d) John Baird.
II. Give one word answers for the following. (
1. Name the device used for reducing the friction of shafts in the electric motors?
2. Which force opposes motion?
3. Which friction force is exerted by the fluids?
4. Identify the agent exerting the force in squeezing lemon?
III. Give reason for the following.
1. Why do sports shoes have spikes?
2. Why is the static friction less than the sliding friction?
IV. Answer the following questions.
1. Define friction? What is the SI unit of friction?
V. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain, what a force can do when applied on an object?
2. Give difference between balanced and unbalanced force?
VI. Answer the following questions.
1. Define force? List different types of forces?
2. Explain with examples that friction is a foe?
VII. Choose the correct option. (
1. Identify the metals with the highest reactivity?
a) Zinc
b) Iron
c) Copper
d) Potassium
2. Which gas is used in fire extinguisher?
a) Oxygen.
b) Nitrogen.
c) Carbon dioxide.
d) Liquefied petroleum gas.
VIII. Give one word answers for the following.
1. Name the non metal which is a good conductor of electricity?
2. Name the less polluting fuel used for vehicles?
IX. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain the process involved in the formation of petroleum?
2. Give the names of inflammable substances?
3. What are the different techniques used in extinguishing fire?
X. Answer the following questions.
1. Give the advantages of using CNG and LPG fuels?
2. What is combustion? Mention the different types of combustion?
XI. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain the process involved in the formation of coal from dead vegetation?
2. List the uses of kerosene and petrol?
3. What is coke? Describe the characteristics of coke with their uses?
XII. Choose the correct option.
1. Which of the following is not a Rabi crop?
a) Barley.
b) Gram.
c) Rice.
d) Wheat.
2. Which of the following is non-communicable disease?
a) Malaria.
b) Tuberculosis.
c) Cholera.
d) None of the above.
3. Which of the following is an antibiotic?
a) Crocin.
b) Alcohol.
c) Yeast.
d) Penicillin.
4. Identify the cell which has an irregular shape?
a) Red blood cell (RBC).
b) Amoeba.
c) Plant cell.
d) None of the above
XIII. Give one word answers for the following.
1. Which leaves are used by farmers to protect their crops from the weeds?
2. Name the process that converts sugar into alcohol?
3. Name the part of the cell that contains organelles?
4. Name the microorganism which causes disease and infections in animals, plants and also in humans?
XIV. Give reason for the following.
1 Why is the mitochondria called as a power house of a cell?
2, Why are the protected forests not safe for wild animals?
XV. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain the following term with examples?
i. Rabi crops.
ii. Kharif crops.
iii. Sowing
2. What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation that conserve water?
3. Define cell and state the difference between plant cell and animal cell with neat and labeled diagram?

4. What are antibiotics? What are the precautions to be taken while taking antibiotics? 

Saturday 6 September 2014