Friday 3 March 2017

Cell structure and function
Multiple choice question
(1- marks each)

le Cell was discovered by :

Louis Pasteur ii. Robet hook
iii. Fleming iv. none of these
These are the structural and functional units of life:

ii. Cell
iii. Organ
iv. Organism

An example of a unicellular cell:

ii. Tapeworn
iii. Grasshopper
iv. All of these
4.The smaller cell is :

i. Mycoplasma
ii. Ant
iii. Algae
iv None of these

5.The smallest cell is found in :
i.WBC ii. RBC iii. Platelets iv. All of these 6.The large animal cell is :
Ostrich egg ii.Hen’s egg iii.Snake’s egg iv.None of these
7.Cell that change their shape continuously:
i.Amoeba ii.WBC iii.Snake’egg iv. None of these 8.The outermost covering of the body of the cell is called :
i. Cell membrane ii. Cytoplasm iii. Nucleus iv. None of these fill in the blanks :
i.Locomotory organ in paramoecium are……… .
ii.Vacloroplasts are present in ………..cell.
iii.Choloroplasts are present in…...…...cell.
iv.……….is a filamentous algae with identical cell.
i.Cell wall is made of………… .
ii.Mitochondria contain………..that are needed for respiration
iii.All cell arise from ……….. Cell only
iv.Cell were first observe in cork by ……….
v.…………. Is seperated from cytoplasm by a nuclear memorane.
vi.Green plastids containing chlorophyll are called……. .
1.Name two unicellular organisms ?
2.Name two Multicellular organisms ?
3.Name a cell which can be seen by an unaided eye ?
4.Name the structural unit of an organism ?
5.Who discovered the cell and when ?
6.Name the part of cell which help in control of the activities ?
7.Write the name of unit of inheritance in livings ?
8.Which part of the cell gives the shape to a cell ?
9.What is protoplasm ?
10.Name two cells which can change their shape ?
1.Why is the mitochondria called the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell?

2.What is the function of chloroplast?

3.Write the function of the cell wall? 4.What are the chromosomes?
5.How do unicellular organism differ from multicellular organism? 6.Distinguish between prokraryotic cells and eukaryotic cells? 7.Distinguish between plant cell and animal cell?
8.What is plastids?write their function?

1.Explain the structure of a cell ?
2.Explain the structure of onion cell with the help of a slide ?
3.Write the functions of mitochondria, golgi bodies and ribosomes ?
4.Explain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ?
5.What is gene ? What is its function ?
Long answer question:
(5 marks each)
1.Draw well labelled diagram of animal cell and plant cell?
2.Draw different types of cell in humans?
3.Draw plant and animal cell according to their parts?
4.Make a sketch of the human nerve cell. What function do nerve cell perform?.

5.Draw the structure of a cell observed in an onion peel?write the function of cell wall, cell membrane ands cytoplasm?
Sub- Science VIII
Chapter-4 (Materials: Metals and Non-metals)
Multiple Choice Question-

The metal which is the best conductor of electricity is:

ii) silver
iii) copper
iv) zinc

Number of naturally occurring elements:

i) 92
ii) 90
iii) 83
iv) 80

Which of the following is a noble gas?

i) helium
ii) oxygen
iii) nitrogen
iv) all of these

4. All metals are solids, with the exception of:

i) aluminum
ii) graphite
iii) mercury
iv) silver

A metal that is non-malleable is:

i) aluminum
ii) zinc
iii) arsenic
iv) both (ii) and (iii)

A highly ductile metal is:

i) silver
ii) arsenic
iii) antimony
iv) none of these

The hardest naturally occurring substance, that is a non-metal, is:

i) graphite
ii) diamond
iii) carbon
iv) none of these

The least reactive metal is:

ii) silver
iii) iron
iv) sodium

Oxides of non-metals are:

i) acidic
ii) neutral
iii) alkaline
iv) both (i) and (ii)

10. Firemen crawl when entering a burning building because:

i) smoke is hot and rises
ii) it is faster to move out by crawling

iii) both(i) and(ii)
iv) none of these
Fill in the blanks:-
1.………………………. Is an exception of non-metals with high tensile strength.
2.Iron when red hot reacts with steam to form an …………………. And ………..
3.Metals react with dilute acids to form metal …………… and ………………….
4.……………………… is the only non-metal to occur as ‘liquid’.
5.……………. And …………… are exceptions of non-metals with some degree of luster.
6.……………. Is a metal that is highly ductile.
7.………………….. and ………………… are non-ductile metals.
8.Metals react with oxygen in air to form their corresponding oxides called ……………..
9.………………….. metal has a very low melting point and melts on the plam of the hand.
Very short questions:
1 marks
1.What is metallurgy?
2.What are ores?
3.Define elements?
4.What is an alloy
5.Define oxide
6.write the name of metal which is found in liquid state at room temp. 7.what is rust chemically known.
8.what is the nature of non metallic oxide. 9.what is the nature metallic oxide. two metals which can cut with knife.
Short answer questions:
1.How do metals differ from non-metals in terms of:
i) physical state
ii) conductivity
iii) Lustre
iv) Malleability and ductility
2.Why are sodium and potassium stored under oil? 3. List three uses of non-metals.
4.List three uses of metals?
5.What are metalloids? Give two examples.
Answer these questions:
3 marks
1.What is aqua regia?explain with example.

2.What are displacement reactions? Give one example

3.What happens when iron reacts with air?

4.What happens when metals react with dilute acids?

5.What happens when sodium reacts with water?

Long answer questions.
1.Differentiate between oxides of metals and oxides of non-metals giving example.
2.What is meant by ‘Reactivity Series of Metals’? Explain.
3.What is ‘displacement reaction? Give an example.
4.Why should foodstuffs like chutney, pickles and curd not be stored on containers made of metals?
5.Write the constituents and uses of the following alloys.
(Steel ,Bronze, Brass, Stainless steel)


Sub- Science VIII
The Microbial World
Multiple Choice Question- (1 Marks Each)
1.Bacteria are classified according to their:

i) Shape
ii) size

iii) color
iv) none of these
The first antibiotic discovered was:

i) Penicillin
ii) Tetracycline

iii) Streptomycin
iv) Bacitracin
Cholera is caused by:

i) vibrio cholera
ii) clostridium tetani iii) salmonella typhi
iv) none of these
A common bacterial disease in plants is:

i) Citrus canker
ii) Rabies
iii) Polio
iv) All of these

5.A common food preservative is:

i) Benzoic acid
ii) Hydrochloric acid iii) Sulphuric acid

iv) Nitric acid
An edible fungi is:

i) Mould
ii) Mushroom

iii) Algae
iv) None of these
The smallest microorganism is:

i) Algae
ii) Protozoan

iii) Bacterium
iv) Virus

Algae are:

i) Autotrophs ii) Parasites iii) Heterotrophy
iv) Saprophytes

The microorganisms that play an important role in maintaining the balance of
nitrogen gas in the

atmosphere are:

i) Bacteria
ii) Algae
iii) Virus
iv) Protozoa

10. Which of these are added to dough to make it rise?
i) Yeast
ii) Algae
iii) garbage
iv) all of these
Fill in the blanks:- (1 Marks Each)
1.Microorganisms can be seen with the help of a ……………………..
2.Blue green algae fix ……………….. Directly from air to enhance fertility of soil.
3.Alcohol is produced with the help of ……………………….
4.Cholera is caused by …………………….
5.………………….. are non-green plants.
6.………………….. cause fermentation.
7.……………………….. and ………………………. Are diseases caused by fungi in humans.
8.A ………………….. found in the intestine of termite, help them to digest word cellulose.
9.…………………… only multiply in the body of a living organism.
10.……………….. is a fatal disease of humans as well as cattle.
Very Short Answer Question: (1 Marks Each)
1.Write the names of some diseases caused by virus.
2.What is the main ingredient of rava idlis and bhaturas.
3.What is fermentation?
4.Mention tow groups of Microorganisms on the basis of their functions?
5.Name some diseases caused by protozaans.
Short answer questions:
(2 Marks Each)
1.What are microorganisms?
2.How do microbes survive in adverse conditions?
3.How bacteria are useful to us?
4.What is virus?
5.What is fermentation? What are its utilities?
6.Write two common bacterial disease of human and write preventive measures for it?
7.What is the role of yeast in baking industry ?
8.Write sum commercial use of microorganisms?
9.What is pasteurization of milk?
10.How do microorganisms spoil food?
Answer these question
(3 Marks Each)
What are major groups of microorganisms?

Draw any protozoa and Label its part.

What are the antibiotics? What precautions one should take while taking them?
How do bacteria help in increasing soil fertility? Explain.

Classify the bacteria according to their shape.

What are communicable diseases ? Explain with examples.

What do you mean by food poisoning ?

Explain how does a vaccine work?

Describe the role of blue green alae and bacteria in fertility of soil ?
Give one example of each.

i) an edible fungi
ii) antibiotic obtained from fungi
iii) a parasitic protozoan
iv) nitrogen fixing bacteria
v) a bacteria residing in intestines of man
vi) what is nitrogen cycle
Long answer questions.
(5 Marks Each)
1.Draw and explain the harmfull effects of bactria with Example.
2.What are food preservatives ? Explain some common food preservatives.
3.Explain cousative microorganisms, mode of transmission and preventive measure of the human diseases like Tuberculosis, Measles, Chicken pox, Polio, Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis B and Maleria etc.